CH Bellinzona - Climbing wall landscape at Via Gerretta playground

The wait was finally over on June 5th 2013. Not far from the football field at the Via Gerretta, seven prefabricated concrete climbing walls with near-natural rock structures were installed.
The elements, weighing 10 tons, were delivered with a semi-trailer truck and lifted over the high trees with a pneumatic crane so that they could be placed on the foundations, which were already prepared by the client.
All elements can be climbed on both sides and are partially connected with ropes and other play equipment. The surface of the climbing structure was created without artificial climbing grips. The hand-modelled cracks, gaps and ledges provide ideal grips and steps for climbing with shoes or barefoot.
The fall-prevention zones were created with gravel or wood chips in accordance with the requirements of the BfU. The boulder walls have a height of 3 m each and a width of 2.20 m each. They can be operated unattended.
We would like to thank the city of Bellinzona for the great cooperation.