CH Liestal - Miniramp skatepark Gitterli

Since the beginning of 2021 there is a new mini ramp on the area of the Skatepark Gitterli in Liestal (BL) after there wasn’t one for a long time. This time, it’s a model 1400 4.5m, i.e. 1.4 meters high and 4.5 meters wide. This came about thanks to a school project by two ninth graders from the secondary school in Frenkendorf.
The initiators Morris Chau and Beda Hoch with a picture of the then non-existent mini ramp.
Samuel Hasler from the mobile youth work of the Liestal region coached the two boys. He remembers well when the two of them started the project about 1.5 years ago. With a lot of drive and initiative, sponsors were won for the project and the missing money was financed through successful crowd funding. With the active support of three helpers, the ramp was set up in January in initially rainy and later wintery conditions. Now we are looking forward to sunshine and skaters.
Many thanks to Morris Chau and Beda Hoch, the initiators of the project, to Samuel Hasler from the mobile youth work of the Liestal region, the Lietsch Wheels association and to the local helpers who set up the ramp together with our long-time employee August Salic.